
How To Understand Coupon Lingo

Since this blog is just getting up and off the ground I only think it would be appropriate to start out with a series about couponing How Tos. In the next few days I am going to attempt to get all the beginners how to, lingo and store know how out here for everyone to take advantage of.

First off this post will be all about coupon lingo definitions.

OOP - probably the most used word in coupon lingo, besides coupons; means Out Of Pocket, referring to the total money you had to pay after all items and coupons were scanned

BOGO - another popular ; means Buy One Get One ; on my blog (and the majority of others) couponers will specify between a BOGO half off and BOGO free

SS - you will find these in coupon databases and on blogs when they are listing where to find the coupon; means SmartSource, as in one of the coupon inserts that come in the paper

RP - also to be found when listing coupon "homes" ; means Redplum and is also one of the names of coupon inserts

PG - same as the last two ; means Procter & Gamble and is a coupon insert

MFR - means Manufacturer and will be used to differentiate between manufacturer coupons and store coupons if both are being used for one item

Q - I don't actually use this one, but some couponers do ; means coupons or coupon

That's not the entire list, I'm positive, but I will come back to this post regularly when I find lingo that needs to be updated or added. However, those are the most used and will do wonders for you in your deal searching.

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